Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Loving Lavender: Intro and Insight

I always dread writing the first post on a new blog, because it's like introducing a part of yourself to the whole world for the first time. I've been putting it off for over a week now, but today is the day.

Hello World, my name is Tobi and this is my Happy Place. A place to write about things that spark creativity, breed love, aid in wellness, inspire spontaneity, assist in optimism, promote gratitude, and generally make me into the happy girl I am. I can't promise I know what this blog will turn into (these things tend to have a mind of their own), but I can promise it will be a good place to turn to if you're having a crappy day, want to learn about some wellness stuff, or get inspired! I must also preface this by making something clear: I am not a health nut. I just finished a BLT and enjoyed every second of it. Sometimes I eat fast food, or go a week without working out, or drink a latte. I will probably post a recipe or two here, and it will probably be something along the lines of "Beer Braised Pork Chops" (my favorite meal at the moment) rather than "Vegan Ball of Tastelessness". Forgive me my trespasses, but this is my blog about what makes me HAPPY. It is not a health blog, though I do try to stay physically healthy (I quit soda this week. Day 3: Not as hard as day 1 & 2, but still fantasizing about carbonation.), but more than that I try to do things in moderation and find an awesome balance so I can maintain my bliss.

Here's the deal: Every day I'm going to hop on here and write about stuff that I love. It might be a yoga pose, or an essential oil, or a quote, or a picture of my husband or dogs. Check back frequently, and I promise to post frequently. Tell your friends. Ask questions. Make suggestions! I want to know what makes you happy too! Let's share the love!

I'll kick off with something that's been my saving grace for the last several months:
doTERRA Lavender Oil. I could literally write for days about this stuff. It is, simply put, Happiness in liquid form. This oil was reason enough for me to sign up to be a Product Consultant for their company (for reals). It is the top seller, and even people who don't use oils use this oil. I'm not here to sling oils though, so let me tell you why it's the first guest star on my blog. There are 5 reasons I have used this oil daily in the last several months.
  1. I have chronic sleep issues. I have a hard time getting to sleep, I have a hard time staying asleep, and I have a hard time getting up in the morning. My very first memory from my childhood is a nightmare I had. I've tried every medication, from sleeping pills to anxiety pills, Melatonin to blood thinning medication. Everything has had a side effect I've had a hard time living with, but without taking anything, I simply don't sleep. It's affected jobs, relationships, and honestly, it makes my brain a scary place. This is where Lavender Oil has saved me. I put a bit on the bottom of my feet right and a few drops on my pillow at bed time, and I go to sleep. Let me repeat that. I go to SLEEP! And I STAY asleep! And when I wake up, I am awake! Not to mention,  because of it's relaxing properties, I can probably count the number of nightmares I've had in the past 3 months on one hand. Which for me, is a miracle.
  2. My sweet, adorable dog Dexter recently had some sort of irritation on his paw. I don't know if it was allergies, or a bug bite, or what happened, but he kept licking it raw. All the fur was missing, and it was a tender swollen red mess. I put a few drops of Lavender Oil on it one day as a little experiment and he stopped licking it for several hours. I kept applying it a few times a day for the last week and am absolutely THRILLED to report the fur is coming back, and he leaves it alone completely. Thanks Lavender, you saved me and Dex a vet visit!
  3. I recently went on a road trip from Baltimore, MD to San Diego, CA and back. By myself. Needless to say, my back/shoulders/neck/wrists/ankles/butt were super sore, every day. Right around Little Rock, Arkansas I started mixing a few drops of Lavender Oil in with my lotion in the morning and in my bath water at night, and suddenly a 9 hour drive didn't seem so bad.
  4. I'll admit it: I'm a bleach-aholic. I don't mean Clorox, I mean my hair. My poor, poor hair has been the same length for as long as I can remember, because I insist on being platinum blonde. Well, I'm actively trying to grow it out now, and Lavender Oil is my new favorite tool. Of course I love what it does for my well-being, but what a product does for my hair will sell me faster than anything else (I'm a hair dresser, what do you expect?!). My hair feels healthier than it has since I started beauty school 6 years ago, and it's getting longer (!) all because I put 2 drops (only 2!) in with my leave-in conditioner every morning. (I also put a drop in with my moisturizer, along with some Frankincense, and I have never had better looking skin. I glow!)
  5.  It smells fantastic.It's almost impossible to NOT be happy when you're sniffing lavender. I put a drop on my temples, and any traces of crabbiness vanish instantly. It helps me relax, focus, and smile.
So, there you have it. If you haven't tried Lavender Essential Oil, I (obviously) highly recommend it for pretty much anything. If you do use it, I'd love to hear why you love it! And if you'd like to try it, let me know and I'll help you get some so you can start experiencing this amazing "Gift of the Earth"!

Thanks for reading my first post! Check back tomorrow for another way To Be happy!


  1. Due to the interest in this post, I just wanted to add that if you'd like to order doTERRA Lavender Essential Oil (or any other doTERRA product), my page is:

    Thank you, and again, if you have any questions, let me know!

  2. Great post! I love how you list your personal uses of Lavender. I also love that you choose dōTERRA Essential Oils. Most people don't realize that dōTERRA is set apart from every other essential oil company because they are the only company that:

    1. Sources ALL of their oils from the country of origin. YES there is a difference between the therapeutic properties and the amount of linalol in Lavender grown in the French Alps as opposed to lavender grown in Utah...
    2. dōTERRA is the only company who's Essential Oils are (CPTG) Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®. Which means that dōTERRA's essential oils are free of any contaminants such as pesticides or other chemical residues. In addition to being 100% pure and natural, dōTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils are subjected to further quality testing that ensures the correct composition of the active natural compounds found in each oil. Even though an essential oil may be 100% pure, if the right species or part of a plant has not been used, or if the plant has not been grown in the right environment or harvested at the right time, or if it has not been distilled under the right conditions, the natural chemical makeup of the extraction will not provide as predictable and powerful a benefit. In some cases, the wrong plant harvested at the wrong time may result in an extract that contains harmful levels of some constituents. dōTERRA's essential oils are guaranteed to be 100% pure and natural and free of synthetic compounds or contaminates. They are subjected to rigorous mass spectrometry and gas chromatography testing to ensure extract composition and activity.
    3. They work.

    I am excited to see this blog and to learn from your experiences. I hope to see more about your personal experiences with Essential Oils.
