Saturday, October 6, 2012

Don't be a baby, Surrender to Child's Pose

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was too busy walking my dogs and playing music with my husband, and then my internet was being funky. I started a post though, and will come back to it in a few days. It just isn't the right post for today.

Today, I want to write about one of my favorite yoga poses, which happens to be one virtually EVERYONE can do. It's called Childs Pose (Balasana), and it's so easy, and restorative and fantastic. it looks something like this:
Child's pose can be done with your knees under your chest, or out to the side (as in the picture), depending on how open your hips are. Arms can be straight out, down to the side, behind your back... wherever you want them. The thing I love so much about this pose is that it's so accessible, and yet, so incredibly grounding. I use Child's Pose when I am anxious, or spacey, or generally need to be grounded. It's used to surrender to the earth, and accept the fact that there is something bigger than us and our own issues.

I was in an incredibly emotional, hot, trying 2 hour yoga workshop a few months ago. The workshop was based on opening your heart, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. At one point, toward the end, EVERYONE in the class was crying. It was so powerful and beautiful to be in a room of strangers all attempting to break down the barriers that surround our hearts together. The energy in the room was fantastic. Anyway, at this point, when we were all at our very most vulnerable, we were instructed to surrender in childs pose. And in that moment the teacher said something so powerful, I'll never forget it. She said, "Give all of your heartache to the earth. She's much bigger than you, and she can handle it."

So next time you're feeling less-than-powerful, try surrendering into child's pose.

1 comment:

  1. "Give all of your heartache to the earth. She's much bigger than you, and she can handle it."

    I can't express how much I love this. Love love love.
    Child's pose is one of my favorites as well. Sometimes I forget that. Thanks for the reminder.
