Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happiness in a Bottle

I have been laid up the past few weeks, and have used that time to do SO much research on the doTERRA company, their products, and why they work. I've gone so far as to read up on the chemical constituents that make up the oils, further my understanding of doTERRA's label of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oil (CPTG) and read about other companies and how their products stack up. I haven't been with the company long, but the amount of reading, watching, and talking with people I've done in the past few weeks is so interesting to me, and I just figured here would be a good place to share it with y'all.I feel like my first post, (my post about lavender) was a good testimonial, but I had a lot of people get ahold of me and tell me that they honestly had no idea what this stuff was, and why I was talking about putting lavender on my feet. I honestly love it so much and have already integrated it into my life in such a way that it's changing the way I live, I really want to explain more about what it is and why it's such a big deal to me.

Essential oils are extracted from plants. They come from leaves, roots, bark, seeds, blossoms, fruits, flowers, etc. of various plants found around the world, and are extracted using various methods. One thing I didn't understand about oils until I started reading, is the importance of harvesting the plant at just the right time of year, in the right soil, and in just the right climate, to get the absolute best product. There are so many variables that go into each component of getting just the right product. I won't bore you with all of the details (unless you want me to, in which case, let me know, because I totally can :) but it's really incredible to know that my Lavender comes from France, my Meleleuca comes from Australia, my Frankincense comes from Oman. It's not forced to grow somewhere along side a freeway in the Breadbasket of America. That might make it cheaper, but it would also make it less authentic, and thereby less effective.

I knew that Essential Oils have been around forever. There are several references to them in the Bible (Frankincense and Myrrh, just to name 2 but I read somewhere that there are 188 references in the Bible to oils), and they have been used in China and Egypt as natural medicine for centuries. I just kind of figured that, you know, we're in the Western World, and we have Aspirin,, NyQuil, Prozac and Liquid Band-Aid. Why do we need to go back to this caveman crap? Here's why: Because the synthetic chemicals we use to clean our homes, and fix our wounds, and sooth our broken hearts are just trying to imitate what Essential Oils naturally do. Once I realized that scientists are taking the chemical constituents that are NATURALLY found in the plants we gather our oils from, breaking them down, and then synthetically trying to reproduce them, I realized why we have LISTS of side effects on our prescription bottles. Suddenly, it stopped sounding like hippie jibber-jabber and started making a whole lot of sense.

One of the reasons I decided to go with doTERRA when I decided I wanted to rep an Essential Oil company, is that they are the only oil company that sells Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) oils. Many oil companies sell therapeutic oils that say they are 100% pure, but that means they have passed a Gas Chromatography test. That test makes sure that all of the applicable compounds are present in the oil, but it does NOT mean they are natural. They could be 100% synthetic compounds, but since they are also present in the plant, the oil can be labeled as "pure". The other big issue with regular therapeutic grade oils that undergo this test, is that it only checks to make sure certain compounds are there. It does NOT check to make sure other compounds are NOT there, such as pesticide that may have been used on the plant, fillers, added alcohol, etc. CPTG oils (which only doTERRA sells) go through a second test (called a Mass Spectrometry Test) that checks every single vial in every batch that comes through and makes sure it is non-synthetic, without fillers, and completely natural. In other words, it is Certified Pure! (If you really want to nerd out like me, you can read this Wikipedia article on Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry). Here's a fun fact: The other day I found an old bottle of lavender oil in our medicine cabinet from way before I heard of doTERRA. I read fine print on the bottle, and it said, "made of mineral oil and fragrance". THAT is what people are trying to pass off as oil these days. For shame.

Ok, sorry about the doTERRA rant, but I honestly have been doing so much work, and it makes so much sense to me that I really want to let everyone in my life know about it. So, every day this week I'm going to spotlight a different oil, and tell you a bit about why I like it, and what it's used for, etc. That way, you can learn along with me. (Some days I might have 2 blog posts, because I'm feeling a lot better, and I have a lot to be happy about right now, so just stay with me here) There has been a huge interest in how to get these oils, so let me just tell you real quick, and then I'll leave you alone.

You can go to my website at and poke around. If you know what you want, just click "Shop", then do your shopping, and check out. You do not have to fill out the part about a consultant ID and password. HOWEVER, you do have the option of paying a one time $10 fee and getting 20% off all your oils by becoming a preferred member, or, if you really love them like me you can become a product consultant and get your oils for wholesale. If that's more your style, then hit "Join" instead of "Shop" in the upper right hand corner. There is SO MUCH info on the site, plus if you have ANY questions, you can just click my name on the upper left hand corner of the home screen and ask away (or leave comments here!)

I really want to hear what you guys think of these "Gifts of the Earth" (that's what doTERRA translates to, and it's so true!) Leave comments and pass word along. I literally CAN NOT WAIT for you guys to see how fantastic this stuff is.

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